Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good Canadian blog site.

I added a new blog site called Cockpit Conversation.

For those of you that are getting into aviation with a career in mind, I think that you should spend some time reading this lady's blog. It is really well written, funny and it'll give you a fairly good idea as to what may be in store for some of you.


At 7:27 AM, Blogger Aviatrix said...

Thanks for the link, Rob. The same things you learn to do when flying the Cessna carry through no matter what you're doing. My first flight with my new boss in a new airplane type resulted in a list of things to improve that probably matched up perfectly with what your flight instructor tells you: taxi with the nosewheel on the yellow line, make sure you take off all power before braking, NO lateral drift at touchdown, regardless of the crosswind, use the rudder aggressively to control yaw in turbulence. Do it right from day one and then suffer less grief on day 4021.


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