Friday, May 19, 2006

Weekend without flying

My son recently won the provincial chess championship for PEI for his grade. He's been playing in his school's chess club since he started grade 1 last fall. I first taught him how to play when he was three and lately he has developed a real passion for the game.

Since he is PEI's provincial champion for grade one, he and the rest of the kids on the Provincial team will play the other provincial teams this weekend at the Canadian National Chess Tournement being held in Moncton.

So no flying for me this weekend.

I did try to get a lesson in this afternoon but it was too windy. I went out to the airport anyways and had a good conversation with my flight instructor. Dave currently has four other students doing training in the circuit, he said that we are all dealing with the same problems pretty much, and I'm not an exception.

He suggested that we schedule a couple of lessons back to back, on concurrent days for next week. He feels that I'll benefit from a couple of lessons in quick succesion, hopefully this will bring me up to a level where I'm ready to solo, so this is what we're planning on doing next week, I'll keep you posted.

In case any of you're wondering, I have 15.6 hours and 45 T&Ls.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Oshawapilot said...

Providing you've accomplished all the mandatory presolo airwork (it's listed in the front of your PTR in the "pre solo" checklist) then it's just a matter of making your instructor feel comfortable with solo'ing you now.

What I found they were looking for at this point is consistency - good takeoffs, landings, and circuits, proficiency with emergency procedures (study that POH!), and fluency with comm.

I would agree that a couple of back to back lessons will get you there quicker. I look forward to reading the solo story. ;-)


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