Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A non flying update.

I haven't been out flying for the past couple of weeks, last weekend it was too windy so Dave and I got together to get a couple of briefings out of the way, slips and basic circuits. Dave wanted to leave certain things out of the circuit brief such as crosswind landings and such until we started doing them at a later lesson.

As it was, the briefing for slips was fairly quick, but the briefing for basic circuits covered alot of information. Dave wouldn't win any awards for his drawing abilities, but I found his diagrams helpful. Since I've alread done some landings and takeoffs, and a couple of touch and goes, I'm pretty familiar with circuits and the things we do at each stage. During the brief we went over the various parts of the circuit, the altitudes and usual rpm settings for each, and what we should be doing to prepare for landing, checklists etc. I found this brief very informative and I took lots of notes for later review. I also got a copy of the official up-to-date version of our checklists and our emergency procedures, so more stuff to remember

As I said earlier, I wasn't able to fly this past weekend, when this happens I usually try to get some time off work to get a lesson in during the week, unfortunately this is not he case this week. This upcoming weekend is also out as I'm going to be out of province with my Fire Dept's curling team. I suspect it will be a long weekend, interrupted by the occasional sip of good wiskey.

Weather permitting I'm going to try and get a lesson in sometime next week, hopefully things will be less busy at work and I can start working on my circuits.

A few more lessons and me thinks it will be getting close to solo time... a few of my friends want to know exactly when this is so they can seek shelter in their basements... I've got some funny friends.


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