Isn't January great !
Two good things happened yesterday.
First, I recieved word from Transport Canada last night that my class three medical has been processed and I should get my certificate in a week or two via mail. Michelle at civil aviation (TC) has really been great to deal with. I had one minor snag but it's all good now.
Second, we watched our Canadian junior hockey team beat the Russian's five zip. My son and I watched the game until the end of the first period when he had to go to bed, but he came back out to see the replays of the third and forth goals. I admit I love hockey, but I sometimes worry that he's becoming a bit of a fenatic.
I help coach his team, he's big and quite talented so I'm of course supportive. (At six he can skate backwards faster than most kids on his team can skate frontwards).
Anyways back on topic. I booked my next lesson for Saturday morning, looks like the weather might be iffy though, Sunday looks better so my chances are pretty good that I'll get a lesson in. I'm gonna snap a few pics so I'll post some of those as well.
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