Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ordered a headset today

I finally broke down and bought a headset today.

It was tough trying to decide which one to purchase but after reading some reviews I ordered a pair of DRE-1000s.

Now, this is a very entry level headset but it has received some very good reviews and for the money seem to be quite a good deal. I figured that I go cheap and purchase a (passenger) set first, that way I can give them a demo and if I'm happy with them I'll get another set for myself, or if I'm not, I'll upgrade to a higher end pair for myself.

The rational behind this is that I want to have two headsets of my own when I go flying, this will hopefully keep me from rummaging through the other aircraft at the school to find headsets for everyone.

Keep in mind that I'm still just renting and most of my flights are usually an hour or so. The headsets that I currently use are provided by the school free of charge - which is pretty nice deal as I understand most places charge a fee. The downside is that some of the sets are better than others, one time I had to swap the set out that I ended up with in order to improve/enable communication with the tower.


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