Cross Country Cancelled
Early this morning my cross country looked like it was going to happen, there were only a few clouds at 1,400 ft. As the morning wore on though, the few clouds turned into a broken layer at 2,000 ft.
This is far too low for our requirements for a couple of reasons. First, one doesn't general fly cross country at such a low altitude unless it's a low level site seeing trip. Second, we have to cross the Northumberland straight which is 9 miles wide (we actually fly directly over the Confederation Bridge) so we need height to stay legal with respect to gliding distances to land.

At least I got up once this weekend.
I share your weather woes, Rob - I'm on the verge of busting my currency thanks to challenging weather here. This fall has just been dismal.
Here's hoping for good weather this weekend..
That is quite a bridge you have to fly over... Wow. Good luck getting your airplane licence.
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