Lesson #27 Instrument flying
Woke up to a nice beautiful day for flying, it was sunny and 4c, no wind to speak of.
I went out to the airport slightly late, and jump right into the pre-trip. A few minutes later we were climbing out and Dave was searching for a map to put over the windows.
To make a long story short, my instrument work went really well. Dave had me doing various turns while decending or climbing to such and such heading, to this altitude and maintain this airspeed. Task overload nearly, but I kept my scan going and I was able to do everything he asked for to satisfaction.
Next we did some upset recoveries. With my head down and eyes closed, Dave flew like a madman... now recover. This went well too. Afterwards I had Dave show me what he was doing while I had my head down.... I'm glad I had my eyes closed, that's all I can say!
Next we moved onto some VOR work while headed back to the airport, no problems. We overflew the VOR and watched the "flip". Finished off the lesson with a fairly decent, but not perfect landing.
Tomorrow we do our first cross country, I have to do some homework tonight to get ready.
It's good to be back in the air again.
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