Friday, January 05, 2007

Blogging Pilot World 2007

I, and many others have recently received an Email from IFRpilot, he suggests that we "Blogging Pilots" should have some kind of fly-in/get together this summer. An opportunity to put some faces and names to some of the blogging pilots out there in the cyberspace community. The details are still being finalized, suggested and voted on.

Paul over at Rants and Revelations has taken the time and effort and put together a Pilot Blogger mailing list for this event.

I can tell you that the initial response has been very positive. If you're a blogging pilot and have somehow been left off the initial mailout, you can use the link above to sign yourself up to the event mailing list to get all the additional details and provide your two cents worth.

Whenever and wherever it is, I hope to see you there!


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